I would never have thought to use this setup, But sometimes change is necessary. / by Christopher Del Rosario

Don’t let G.A.S fill your shelf

You know how much people lust off of gear? G.A.S., as we camera tech junkies say; Gear Acquisition Syndrome. It’s that feeling you get when you see someone with a newer version of a camera or piece of gear that you have or when you watch one of Benj Haisch’s videos about the Leica M cameras, medium format cameras with adapted M lenses. I myself, now cannot stop thinking about a Hasseblad 907X to use with my current 501C setup. I’ve never used anything other than medium format film because digital has been out of reach for so long and only today being somewhat affordable.

In all honesty, I still suffer from this on a daily basis. I watch tech and gear review videos on my downtime. I’ve watched videos about the latest Apple tech. I recently purchased a new MacBook pro because I convinced myself I needed an upgrade. I might have been okay with purchasing a lower priced MacBook or Mac mini, but I convinced myself that the higher specced Mac would last me longer as did my last MacBook. Here in lies the issue. We see things that others have and convince ourselves we need it.

So here we are writing a blog on a MacBook pro that is overkill for what I am currently using it for. That´s okay. I realize that sometimes you need to get the G.A.S out (pun intended). There are other options to get rid of this syndrome and I’ve been trying them out the last few days. One thing to do is just stop consuming. Turn off YouTube or search for other things to watch on it. Watch dog or cat videos, watch people making food and then go make some food.

Consumption of reviews or people talking about gear or pictures of new gear on social media is probably the number one reason for G.A.S. I mean of course it is. Its advertising, marketing. It´s meant to stimulate your brain into thinking you need this, you want this!

The other thing I have been doing is to try creating something using what I have or switching up the norm. If you know me, I’m usually carrying my Leica MP or M10. It’s become part of my everyday checklist. I make sure I have my wallet, phone, keys, camera, and sometimes extra film.

My current setup or sometimes dual set up is now my Canon digital camera with my adapted Leica Lens and boy does it feel weird. It’s not weird so much in the sense that looks awkward, in fact it looks pretty normal and compact.

It’s awkward only because it´s not what I’m used to. It´s not the rangefinder I prefer and it´s looking through a EVF that is technically more convenient. I can see exposure changes as I make them.

I can go on forever about the pros and cons, but I’d like to stick to the topic of G.A.S. Changing up your own perspective probably generates some sort of creative endorphins, and you start to think again. You start to ask questions and think of different solutions to problems you haven’t seen yet because this setup is new to you. It’s refreshing and at the same time makes you miss your old pal, your comfy zone. I think this is my preferred method of creating and making new ways to create.

I’ll probably stick to this setup for the next few weeks and post a follow up blog with my results. So for now I’ll leave you with this thought.

Jump into something new, create problems for yourself to solve. Staying stagnant doesn’t do anyone any good.